Launch day is here and we are ecstatic! Even though this is our little passion project, there is something special about bringing an idea to fruition, together. About seeing – no, actively transforming – something from a mere, intangible concept to actual completion, or in this case, launch.
Our concept for LensCaptivate has matured over time. What began as several highly-animated, overly-idealistic “what if” conversations over countless dinners, long drives and flights has evolved into launching two framed print collections of our most favorite photographs from Jordan and East Africa. Hooray!
We plan to feature more collections from places around the world and expand to other cool, modern materials, like metal and acrylic, in the future - keep an eye out!
In the meantime, we hope you enjoy our site and pictures!
And for those that have found their way here, but don’t know us just yet, welcome! LensCaptivate is the part-time creative endeavor of two young(ish) working parents who share a deep and persistent call to travel.
We created LensCaptivate as a way to document our travels and provide people with more affordable, yet consistently striking large-print, modern photos from around the world – photos that both treat - and provoke – wanderlust. We want to share images that captivate (our company’s name!) and tell a story, prints that transport people to that very location, or that beckon them to visit.
For us, the wanderlust has been particularly strong lately, given the additional conditions and restrictions that come with traveling internationally amid these wild times. We love looking at travel photographs to help feed our wanderlust.
We also aim to share both travel and technical tips (like where to go, how to get there, and what lens and camera settings to shoot with) to create a community of curious travelers and help others explore these very places.
If you have any feedback, shoot us a note! We’d love to hear from you!
-Katie and Brett